Hello Friends,
Today I bring you a recipe for American-style biscuits - that is to say the fluffy flaky southern style breads, not the British crispy cookie. That’s for another day. These are flaky biscuits that are gussied up with Rosemary and Cheddar Cheese and I serve them with spicy honey that reminds me of the sweet/spicy combo at a chain of chicken restaurants in Oklahoma that I loved as a child.
These are flavor-forward and flaky. My advice is to cut them with a pastry cutter or bench scraper into large squares. Go straight up and down with the pastry cutter covered in a bit of extra flour, you’ll create sharp edges that way exposing the sides to create the most lift and ultimate flaky layers.
By the way, if you are a flaky pastry person, like me, you might enjoy my Gluten Free Pop Tarts.
These biscuits would be a wonderful base for a breakfast sandwich or chicken sandwich. I’d serve them in a bread basket alongside dinner, or go full southern and smear on some pimento cheese.
Happy Baking,
Below is one of my signature gluten free recipes, which represents many hours of development and many batches of biscuits!
Next Level Gluten Free recipes are tested over and over and scientifically work! Then I walk you through all the details. I’m like your friend in the kitchen, who’s a gluten free expert. Upgrade to a paid membership so we can hang out more and you get to eat more delicious gluten free food.
Gluten Free Flaky Rosemary Cheddar Biscuits
with Hot Honey
Yield: 8