Hi friends,
Have you hopped on the gluten free sourdough train yet?
It’s a delicious ride, and if you haven’t explored that yet you can take a look at how to start a sourdough starter, and take a workshop with me on how to create amazing sourdough bread here:
Once you have a sourdough starter going these crackers are a SNAP to make and they don’t require any extra flour beyond your starter at all (can you believe it??) They are crisp, full of flavor and tang, and just so darn full of probiotics and olive oil.
I’ve shown them cut into squares here, but it’s also lovely to skip the cutting step and break them into big craggy shapes when you put them on a cheeseboard, it gives them personality!
This uses up a lot of sourdough starter, so if you have “discard” you’ve been saving then now is the time to break it out.
I’ve flavored this with vanilla for a hint of sweetness, smoked paprika and thyme. But there are so many other flavor directions to go. These are almost BEGGING you for parmesan cheese, or perhaps chili powder? Maybe cinnamon sugar is more your jam?
Happy baking!
Next Level Gluten Free recipes are tested over and over and scientifically work! Then I walk you through all the details. Upgrade to a full membership for a library of gluten free baking workshops, product comparisons, and exclusive gluten free recipes.
Below is one of my signature gluten free recipes!