This sounds very interesting. I hadn't heard of psyllium before and look forward to trying it out. I'll let you know how I get on. Love that you called it magic pixie dust!!

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Thanks! I think it really changes everything for gluten free bread!!

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This is excellent information, and you explain it so well. I was never a bread baker, even before we had to be GF, but your recipes could provide the inspiration I need to try!

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Thanks Scott!! It’s so worth it for really good gluten free bread!!

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Thanks, Rachel, for all this helpful info! Can’t wait to try the recipes this month!

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Thanks Cindy!! I think it’s going to be fun!!

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Great information! I've never used psyllium before in baking, but now I see why it's such a crucial ingredient in gluten-free bread!

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It really makes a difference!!

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Bookmarking for later! Have yet to find a gluten free bread we love and excited to give this a try!

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Fantastic! Stick around there are bread recipes all this month!!

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