Can I make my favorite recipes Gluten Free?
Three Tips from recipe writing expert Raeanne Sarazen
Hi friends,
Many questions I get on the daily deal with how to take fave family recipes and adapt them to your gluten free life. In general I advise folks that it’s a whole lot easier to start with a recipe that’s designed to be gluten free.
We all have a few gems though, that remind us of childhood or are holiday favorites or Saturday morning staples that we don’t want to give up. What then?
I met (reader!) Raeanne Sarazen at a conference, at which she won a big award for her book on recipe writing.
is the author of The Complete Recipe Writing Guide - a book that focuses on recipe writing but also has chapters on modifying recipes to be gluten free, dairy free, egg free and more. Raeanne is also a registered dietitian and a celiac mom, so she definitely understands.
I have really appreciated the information in her book when creating new recipes that are gluten free. I know many of you have additional dietary restrictions, and her book really speaks to that. The book is intended for people who write recipes, but when you have dietary restrictions everyone becomes a mad scientist in the kitchen sometimes and having a guide like this can be so helpful!!
Her book is packed with great step by step nitty gritty info, but she shared three of her top gluten free recipe tips with us here:
Try sweet rice flour for thickening gravy and sauces and when dusting a protein alone or in the process of breading. It’s also great for making cookies chewier.
“When you want to learn about the function and flavor profile of an ingredient when baking, start with a tried- and-true gluten free baking recipe and experiment by changing one ingredient at a time. It’s a great way to create something new and learn at the same time.”
Lead with taste when you’re developing recipes for any dietary restriction—whether it’s gluten free, dairy-free, or diabetic friendly. If the recipe doesn’t taste good, you’ve lost the trust of the person following it. They will not come back for more!
Happy Baking,
Next Level Gluten Free recipes are tested over and over and scientifically work! Then I walk you through all the details. Upgrade to a full membership for a library of gluten free baking workshops, product comparisons, and exclusive gluten free recipes.
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Great to be introduced to this chef/ nutritionist- thanks!